Forest Museum Silvanum

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So-called Neuer and Alter Kasten with a branch church in Großreifling

The Silvanum Forest Museum is located in the New Box next to the Old Box in the village of Großreifling in the municipality of Landl in the Liezen district in Styria .


In 1966, the forester Adolf Grabner founded a local museum on the topic of forestry in the Wildalpen community, which was called the Wildalpen Forest Museum from 1970 . As the objects in the collection kept expanding, the museum became too small. For a larger museum, the Neue Kasten, a storage building built in 1711 by the former Innerberg main trade union , was found and owned by the Austrian Federal Forests . In 1975 Grabner founded a museum association and the forest museum opened in Großreifling in 1979.


The museum shows the work of the woodworkers.


Web links

Commons : Forstmuseum Silvanum Großreifling  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 40 ′ 0.5 "  N , 14 ° 42 ′ 44.4"  E