François Alphonse Belin

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François Alphonse Belin (born July 31, 1817 in Paris , † 1877 ) was a French orientalist.

Belin studied at the Collège de France and at the École des langues orientales under Silvestre de Sacy and Étienne Marc Quatremère , became an interpreter at the French consulate in Erzerum in Armenia in 1843 , came to Cairo in 1846 in the same capacity, in 1852 as an interim secretary to Constantinople and acted in 1868 –1877 as French consul general there.

Belin dealt primarily with the languages ​​of the Arabs, Persians and Turks and also has the most comprehensive knowledge of the history, administration and legislation of the Muslim Orient. In addition to numerous articles in the Journal asiatique (since 1839), he wrote a Histoire de la latinité de Constantinople (Paris 1872) and edited various Persian and Turkish texts, e.g. B. Mirchond's Life of Dschengis-chans (1841) and Histoire des Samanides (History of the Sassanids) "(1841).

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