François Duprat

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François Duprat (born October 26, 1940 in Ajaccio , Corsica , † March 18, 1978 in Caudebec-en-Caux ) was a French teacher, writer and militant supporter of the nationalism révolutionnaire . He is considered the theoretician of the French Nouvelle Droite and number two on the Front National (FN) in the 1960s and 1970s.


Duprat was a Trotskyist in his early years, but quickly moved to the right and became a member of the Jeune Nation of the Fédération des étudiants nationalistes (FEN). Although he was a strong opponent of Algerian independence, as an anti-Zionist he always supported Arab states. After the treaties of Évian in 1962, Algeria became independent. Duprat looked for a new field of activity and traveled to Katanga . There he supported the Moïse Tschombés secession as propaganda director at Radio Katanga.

On his return to France he became a member of Occident , which turned against left-wing students. In 1972 he was one of the founding members of the Front National (FN).

Death and remembrance

On March 18, 1978, Duprat died in a car bomb attack near Caudebec-en-Caux. His wife Jeanine was paralyzed by the attack. There was wild speculation about the authorship of the murder. This ranged from Jewish groups to right-wing competitors. Jean-Pierre Bloch , director of the anti-racist LICRA , condemned the murder.

The Holocaust denier Richard Verrall aka Richard Harwood , author of the pamphlet Did Six Million Really Die? , praised Duprat's “services”.

Every year, the co-founder of the Front National Jean-Marie Le Pen visits Duprat's grave on the cimetière de Montmartre .


  • Chebel d'Appollonia, A., L'Extrême Droite en France: De Maurras à Le Pen. Éditions Complexe, Brussels, 2nd edition, 1996. ISBN 2-87027-573-0
  • Duprat, François. L'Internationale étudiante révolutionnaire (Revolutionary Student International), NEL, 1968.
  • Igounet, Valérie, Histoire du négationnisme en France. Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 2000. ISBN 2-02-035492-6 (in the chapter L'extrême droite diffuse les thèses négationnistes / François Duprat, un passeur idéologique , p. 161 to 180).
  • Lebourg, Nicolas. François Duprat: Idéologies, Combats, Souvenirs , Perpignan 2000.
  • Jean-Yves Camus : Duprat, François , in: Handbuch des Antisemitismus , Volume 2/1, 2009, pp. 193f.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Michel Winock, "Les sources historiques du Front national", article repris dans La France politique: XIX e -XX e siècle , Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1999, p. 282.
  2. Hommage à François Duprat , Le National , April 1978, pp. 9-11
  3. Interview by Pierre-André Taguieff with Valérie Igounet, Paris, April 2, 1993, quoted by Valérie Igounet, in Histoire du négationnisme en France , Le Seuil , 2000.
  4. ^ "Tribute to Jean-Marie Le Pen on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the assassination of François Duprat" ( Memento of November 18, 2008 in the Internet Archive ), Front national website, March 18, 2008

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