Francesco Perfetti

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Francesco Perfetti (born August 14, 1943 in Rome ) is an Italian historian.

As a student of Renzo De Felice , he devoted his academic career to research into fascism . Perfetti is currently Professor of Contemporary History at the Faculty of Political Science at the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in Rome, where he also teaches Modern History.

On June 11, 2016, the Italian daily Il Giornale included an edition of the 1937 translation of the second volume of Hitler's Mein Kampf annotated by Perfetti . The supplement is conceived as the prelude to a planned eight-volume series of books on the subject of National Socialism .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Italian newspaper: Hitler's "Mein Kampf" as a Saturday supplement , Spiegel Online, June 11, 2016, (last accessed on June 11, 2016.)