Franco Bartoloni

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Franco Bartoloni (born June 13, 1914 in Rome ; † November 8, 1956 ibid) was an Italian paleographer and diplomat .

Bartoloni studied at the Sapienza with Vincenzo Federici and Pietro Fedele . Even before his doctorate, he was able to publish a palaeographic table work for academic purposes under the direction of Federici in 1934, while his final thesis in 1936 on the Roman Senate and his office was based on the research areas of Fedele. As the winner of two concorsi , Bartoloni was seconded to the Institute for Paleography of the Roman University in 1937 and devoted himself to the edition of Roman and Beneventan documents. In the Second World War he took part first as an officer and, after the armistice in 1943, as the commander of a partisan unit in the area of ​​Rome.

In 1950 he received the chair for palaeography and diplomatics in Messina , in November 1951 he moved to Rome. He reorganized the Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari of Sapienza (as its director since November 1955) and was able to revitalize the publication of the Bullettino dell'Archivio paleografico Italiano , the only auxiliary scientific journal in Italy at the time.

At his suggestion, the plan of a censimento of the papal document originals of Innocent III. 1198 back to Martin V (exclusively) in 1417, which he presented in 1953 at the congress on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo , which, however, could only appear in print in 1957. He was also able to present a draft program for the inventory of dated and datable manuscripts at the 10th International Conference of Historians in Rome in 1955, which was implemented by the French CNRS . The historiographical anchoring of auxiliary scientific studies was a particular concern of his, whereby he classified himself primarily as a diplomat. This did not prevent him from making essential contributions to the history of the pre-Carolingian scripts and the nomenclature of the documentary scripts.

Publications (selection)

  • Esempi di scrittura latina dal secolo I a. C. al secolo XV . Roma 1934
  • Codice diplomatico del Senato Romano . Roma 1948 (Fonti per la storia d'Italia, 87)
  • The più antiche carte del monastero di S. Modesto di Benevento . Roma 1950
  • Scritti , a cura di Vittorio De Donato e Alessandro Pratesi . (Collectanea 6) Spoleto 1995, Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo ISBN 88-7988-205-8 .


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