Franco Lombardi

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Franco Lombardi (born June 28, 1906 in Naples , † September 9, 1989 in Rome ) was an Italian philosopher.


Lombardi's father was a lawyer and professor at the University of Naples . Like his father, Franco Lombardi studied law . In 1933 he received his doctorate with a thesis on moral philosophy . In 1943 he was appointed to the chair of philosophy of history at the University of Rome . Here he set up the Institute for Philosophy and in 1968 became Dean of the Faculty.

Lombardi also worked as an editor of philosophical and social science journals and took an active part in political life in Italy.

Works (selection)

Single issues
  • L'esperienza e l'uomo. Fondamenti di una filosofia umanistica . LeMonnier, Florence 1935.
  • Il mondo degli nomini (Studi filosofici / 2; vol. 13). LeMonnier, Florence 1935.
  • La filosofia critica Libreria dell'università, Rome 1943/46 (2 vol.).
  • The birth of the modern world (“Nascita del mondo moderno”, 1953). Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Cologne 1961.
  • Il concetto della libertà . Arethusa, Asti 1955.
  • Benedetto Croce . A hundred years after his birth = Benedetto Croce. Croce a cento anni dalla nascita . SDA, Rome 1968 (in German and Italian).
Work edition
  • Scritti di Franco Lombardi . Sansoni, Florence 1965/75 (17 vols.).


  • Renato Testa: Il pensiero di Franco Lombardi . Armando Eiditore, Rome 1995, ISBN 88-71445-88-0 .
  • Gaetano Calabrò: Franco Lombardi . Edizione di "Filosofica", Turin 1961.