Franco von Meschede

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Franco von Meschede ( bl. 14th century) was a scholaster at the Meschede monastery , poet of sacred works and chancellor of Archbishop Burchard Grelle .


He worked in the first half of the 14th century and was a scholar at the collegiate church in Meschede. Later he probably stayed temporarily at the papal court in Avignon . He then entered the service of Archbishop Burchard of Bremen as Chancellor . Little is known about his life and official activities.


He wrote in Latin: Vita SS Johannis Baptistae et Evangelistae , Salutatio ad S. Crucem , Dictamen subtile ad B. Mariam Virginem . The writings are handwritten and were partly in the Jesuit library in Düsseldorf until secularization , partly in the Carthusian monastery in Cologne .

The Vita of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist comprises more than three hundred six-line rhyming stanzas. He dedicated the work to Pope John XXII in 1330 . In the Scriptures, nuns argue over which of the two saints was more virtuous. The whole thing is laid out in the manner of a judicial process. Dissatisfied with the judgment of the judge, which does not make a decision, the work ends with the nuns turning to the Pope. His praise to Mary is also known that " De aurea Fabrica " is mentioned in some manuscripts .


  • Julius Evelt : About the scholaster Franco von Meschede. In: Journal for patriotic history and antiquity. Volume 23, Münster 1863, p. 295ff.
  • Johann Suibert Seibertz: Westphalian contributions to German history. Volume 1: [Lexicon of the Writers of the Duchy of Westphalia A – L]. Georg Friedrich Taschè, Darmstadt, 1819