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As Fransaskois (feminine form: Fransaskoise ) or Frankosaskatchewane call themselves the French-speaking Canadians who in the prairie province of Saskatchewan life. The term Franco-Saskatchewanian is occasionally used in English .


Native French speakers make up approximately 2% of the population of Saskatchewan Province. Similar to the rest of the population, natural growth and emigration almost balance each other out. Fransaskois and Fransaskoises mostly live in the larger cities like Regina , Saskatoon , Prince Albert and Moose Jaw . In some smaller towns such as Gravelbourg , Albertville, Duck Lake, Ponteix, Zenon Park, Bellevue, Willow Bunch (French name: Talle-de-Saules) and Bellegarde, as well as in some villages, they make up the majority of the population.

Rights and schooling in French

According to the constitution, the Fransaskois have no special rights. More recently, however, courts have ruled that francophone children are entitled to an education in their mother tongue until the end of secondary education. Until the 1990s, a school required an official permit to teach primarily in French. Since 1995, Saskatchewan's francophone population has had the right to run their schools themselves. The Scolaire No. 310 currently manages 12 schools.

In 1918 Monseigneur OE Mathieu founded the Catholic private school Collège Mathieu in Gravelbourg in southern Saskatchewan . From 1970 girls were also allowed to attend the College Mathieu . Up until the spring of 2003, the college remained the only French boarding school in western Canada. After a protracted political dispute with the Scolaire Francophone Division and due to a decline in student numbers, the Collège Mathieu was incorporated into the system of the Scolaire Francophone Division and has been operated under the name École Secondaire Collège Mathieu (Secondary School Mathieu).


Despite the minority situation of the Fransaskois, Saskatchewan has a rich Francophone cultural scene. A variety of festivals feature traditional music and visual arts, as well as the performing and fine arts. The most famous Fransaskois artists include the folk band Hart-Rouge , the children's entertainer Carmen Campagne (both from the small town of Willow Bunch) and the band Poly-Esther . In addition, the professional francophone theater group La Troupe du Jour has existed in Saskatoon since 1987 .

A well-known Fransaskoise was Jeanne Sauvé . She was a Member of Parliament for the Liberal Party, a Minister, Speaker of the House of Commons, and finally Governor General of Canada .

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See also: