Franz-Karl Ehrhard

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Franz-Karl Ehrhard (* 1953 ) is a German Tibetologist and university professor. His research focuses on religious and literary traditions in Tibet and the Himalayas ( Nepal , Sikkim , Bhutan ). A special focus is the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism .


He studied Tibetology, Indology and Ethnology in Hamburg ( master's degree , doctorate and habilitation ). From 1988 to 1993 he was Resident Representative of the Nepal Research Center and Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project in Kathmandu . From 1993 to 1998 he was a research associate in the DFG- Priority Program State Formation and Settlement Processes in the Tibetan Himalayas . Since 1998 he has been a Research Fellow at the Lumbini International Research Institute in Lumbini . He was visiting professor at the University of Vienna , Institute for Tibet and Buddhist Studies ( 2000), Harvard University , Tibetan and Himalayan Studies (2001). Since 2003 he has been [Professor] for Tibetology and Buddhism Studies at the University of Munich .

Publications (selection)

  • "Wings of the Garuḍa": literary and intellectual history remarks on a collection of songs by the rDzogs-chen. Stuttgart: Steiner. 1990 (Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 1987) Tibetan and Indo-Tibetan studies; 3
  • Franz-Karl Ehrhard & Alexander W. Macdonald (eds.): Snowlight of Everest: a history of the Sherpas of Nepal / Sanggye Tenzin (Sangs-rgyas bstan-'dzin). Stuttgart: Steiner-Verl. Wiesbaden. 1992 ( Nepal Research Center publications, 18)
  • Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber , Franz-Karl Ehrhard, Kurt Friedrich: Lexicon of eastern wisdom teachings: Buddhism - Hinduism - Taoism - Zen. Scherz Verlag, Bern / Munich / Vienna 1994
  • Early Buddhist Block Prints from Mang-yul Gung-thang . Lumbini International Research Institute 2000.
  • The statue of Ārya Va-ti bzang-po. A contribution to the history and geography of Tibetan Buddhism . Reichert, Wiesbaden 2004.
  • Keith Dowman , Franz-Karl Ehrhard (translator): The holy fool - the dissolute life and the blasphemous chants of the tantric master Drukpa Künleg . OW Barth bei Scherz, 2005, ISBN 978-3-502-61159-2
  • A rosary of rubies: the chronicle of the Gur-rigs mDo-chen tradition from South-Western Tibet. Munich: Indus-Verl. 2008 online
  • Buddhism in Tibet and the Himalayas: Texts and Traditions. Vajra pubs. (2013)

Web links