Franz Dorn

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Franz Dorn (* 1954 ) is a German legal scholar .


From 1974 he studied law at the University of Bonn (first state examination in 1981, second state examination in 1984). After obtaining his doctorate in 1989 and his habilitation in 1998 ( Venia legendi : civil law, German legal history, comparative legal history, modern private law history), he held a teaching position at the University of Wuppertal (commercial and corporate law) in 1998/1999 . In 1998/1999 he represented the C3 professorship for civil law and comparative legal history at the European University Viadrina and had a teaching position at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (German legal history). In 1999/2000 he represented the C4 professorship for civil law and German legal history at the University of Trier . Since 2000 he has been Professor of Civil Law and German Legal History at the University of Trier . Since 2002 he has been a judge at the Higher Regional Court in Koblenz .

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