Franz Karl Friedrich von Gemmingen-Hornberg

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Franz Karl Friedrich von Gemmingen-Hornberg

Franz Karl Friedrich von Gemmingen-Hornberg (born August 28, 1747 in Maastricht , † March 31, 1814 in Lehrensteinsfeld ) was the last imperial bearer of the castle fief in Kochendorf before the mediatization of the imperial knighthood in the early 19th century.


Franz was a son of Reinhard von Gemmingen-Hornberg (1710–1775) and Sophia Friederica geb. vom Stein (1715–1776). Since his older brother Reinhard (1744–1772) had died before his father's death, Franz received the castle loan ( Schloss Lehen ) in Kochendorf on October 4, 1776 from Emperor Joseph II and on March 27, 1777 two thirds of the blood spell awarded. With this he had initially received fiefdoms and rule in Kochendorf to the same extent as his deceased father. He served in the Imperial Army in the Harrach Regiment and achieved the rank of major .

In 1784 the emperor awarded the blood spell in Kochendorf to the respective canton captain of the knightly canton of Odenwald, who also resided in Kochendorf . At the time of the change of fief, this position was held by Philipp von Gemmingen (1702–1785), a distant relative of Franz Karl Friedrich from the Bonfeld branch of the Guttenberg tribe of the Barons of Gemmingen . After his death, his nephew Karl Friedrich Reinhard von Gemmingen (1739-1822) followed. As a replacement for the loss of the blood spell, which downgraded the castle fief to a simple manor, Franz was compensated with 1,000 guilders and eleven acres of land. In 1793 his castle loan was confirmed again by the emperor. After the end of the empire , Kochendorf came to Württemberg in 1806 , whereby the lower nobility gradually lost their former privileges. In 1808 Franz Karl Friedrich von Gemmingen was awarded the Württemberg aristocratic decoration .


From 1747 he was married to Mrs. Sophie Juliane Eleonora born. von Helmstatt († 1783), who, like their four children, died early. In 1784 he entered into a second marriage with Johanna Christiane Luise Dorothea von Gemmingen. His second wife was the daughter of Hans Weiprecht von Gemmingen and universal heir of the older Frankisch-Crumbach line, through which Franz came into possession of the castle estate in Lehrensteinsfeld . There spent his last years blind and heart disease. His first wife and children were buried in Neckarzimmern , Franz and his second wife in Lehrensteinsfeld.

Children from first marriage:

  • Sophia Henriette Franziska (1778–1780)
  • Reinhard Christoph (1779–1785)
  • Karl Weiprecht (1780–1781)
  • Eberhard (1782–1785)


  • Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig Stocker : Family Chronicle of the Barons of Gemmingen , Heidelberg 1895, p. 274.
  • Karl Hugo Popp and Hans Riexinger : On the history of the Reichslehens Kochendorf and its owners after the departure of the Greck male line . In: Bad Friedrichshall 1933–1983 . City of Bad Friedrichshall, Bad Friedrichshall 1983