Franz S.

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Franz S. (born February 24, 1930 ) is an Austrian murderer and alleged serial killer . S., convicted of murder, killed again after his release and was released for the second time in 2013. With a total of around 53 years in prison, he was one of the longest prisoners in Austrian legal history.

Early life and murder

Franz S. grew up partly with foster parents and in the Kaiserebersdorf educational institution and trained as a carpenter. He then lived in Wels , married and had one child.

In 1957 S. was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Innsbruck Regional Court for the murder of a 14-year-old girl whom he had staked with the handle of a pitchfork. He had previously received an eight-year prison sentence for arson and attempted murder of a young woman. In prison he confessed to another attempted murder of a 38-year-old woman in Pöham . The forensic psychiatrist's report attested S. a lack of moral insight.

On July 22, 1981, Franz S. was conditionally released due to good conduct and after obtaining two psychiatric reports. His probationary period was ten years.


On June 14, 1984, S. broke into a family home in Redlham , where he killed a 39-year-old woman with knife stabs and hacking, and the woman's three-year-old daughter with a cut in the neck. The two dead were discovered by the family father returning home, who notified the gendarmerie. S. was only arrested on August 3, 1984 according to testimony and evidence.

During a house search, traces of blood with the blood type of one of the victims were found on his clothing. In addition, S. had, among other things, sold two wristwatches from the victims' possession the day after the murder in an inn. On December 5, 1985, S. was again sentenced to life imprisonment by the Wels District Court for murder and aggravated theft.

The investigators at the time also attribute the unexplained murder of 13-year-old Andreas Pentz on September 12, 1982, to him. The boy was killed by knife wounds in Edt near Lambach , only around 20 km from the later crime scene in Redlham, and his watch was robbed. However, S. never confessed to this case. The crime scenes Edt and Redlham are on a stretch between S.'s home address in Wels and his family in Frankenmarkt , whom S. often visited with his moped at the time.

Another discharge

After a total of around 53 years in prison, Franz S. was released early in 2013 on the basis of positive expert reports, his old age and state of health, and was housed in a shared apartment.

The murder case in Redlham is shown in a showcase of the Crime and Gendarmerie Museum in Scharnstein Castle .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ RIS decision text
  2. Suspect in double homicide: the past weighs on him
  3. Bestial murder of mother and child
  4. Double murder: The evidence is a burden
  5. Andreas has never been forgotten
  6. Redlham: Cross-examination continues today
  7. Twice the lifetime comes free
  8. ^ Gendarmerie Museum, The Double Murder in Redlham