Franz Seraph Weishaupt

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Franz Seraph Weishaupt (* between 1780 and 1785; † October 9, 1866 in Munich ) was a German lithographer and foreman


Franz Seraph Weishaupt was a student of the inventor of lithography Alois Senefelder and since 1810 his foreman at the printing works of the Royal Tax Register Commission in Munich, under the direction of Johann Michael Mettenleiter . Weishaupt was also responsible for training numerous apprentices. Weishaupt rejected a Mettenleiter and a call to Russia mediated by Baron von Schilling - which Mettenleiter temporarily accepted. In 1812 he developed a copperplate printing process that made printing possible by chemical means for print runs of more than 3,000 copies. After Senefelder did not achieve any noteworthy results with experiments on colored stone printing, Weishaupt was more successful with his experiments and developed a lithographic printing process in which the colors (blue, yellow, red with black) were printed separately from one stone on top of each other, used for the first time Work published by Johann Baptist von Spix and Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius in 1823 on their expedition to Brazil from 1817 to 1820. The color lithographed “business overview card of the royal. Tax Cadastre Commission “already showed 13 colors.

The lithographer Godefroy Engelmann , trained among others in Munich in 1813/14 with Strixner, Piloty and Johann Baptist Stuntz, developed (allegedly independently) a lithographic color printing process with up to 21 colors printed on top of each other, patented it as chromolithography in 1837 and published it in the same year a color printed album.

Franz Weishaupt was married to Barbara, née Wimmer. The marriage resulted in the daughter Katharina Maria Josepha (* 1813, † 1880) and the sons Heinrich (* 1810, † 1883), Joseph (* 1814), Ferdinand (* 1816), Johann (* 1818) and Jakob (* 1828, † 1889).


  • Portrait of Franz Weishaupt, foreman of the lithographic printing works in the Imperial Tax Cadastre Commission in Munich , based on a drawing by W. Melchior 1818, in: Heinrich Weishaupt: The total area of ​​stone printing or complete theoretical and practical instructions for practicing lithography as a whole Extent and based on your current position . Weimar 1865, illustration on p. 17.


  • 60 lithographs printed in color (illustrations of birds, snakes, monkeys, turtles etc.) for: Johann Baptist von Spix / Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius: Journey to Brazil on the orders of Sr. Majesty Maximilian Joseph I, King of Bavaria . 3 volumes. M. Lindauer, Munich 1823.
  • Business overview card of the royal. Tax Registry Commission, lithograph in 13 colors, 1835


  • Sebastian Haindl: About the litographic color printing in Munich , in: Kunst- und Gewerbeblatt des Polytechnisches Verein für das Kingdom Bayern, III, March 1843, pp. 211-219.
  • Georg Kaspar Nagler : New general artist lexicon or news of the life and works of painters, sculptors, builders, engravers, form cutters, lithographers, draftsmen, medalists, ivory workers, etc. Vol. 21, Munich 1851, p. 246 (in the article to his son Heinrich Weishaupt) ( digitized version ).
  • Helmut H. Krause: History of the lithography . Reinhard Welz, Mannheim 2007, pp. 58, 59, 125.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Police registration documents (PMB) Franz Weishaupt: Munich, City Archives
  2. including: Tax Cataster Commission. Personnel for internal service, in: - and State Manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1827 . Publishing house of the royal upper post office, Munich 1827, p. 90.
  3. ^ S. Haindl, in: Gewerbeblatt 3, 1843, p. 216.
  4. ^ Hermann L. Koester (Ed.): History of German Youth Literature in Monographs Part I, Alfred Janssen, Hamburg 1906, p. 9.
  5. Godefroy Engelmann: Album Chromolithographique or Recueil d'Essays du Nouveau Procédé d'impression lithographique en couleurs . J. Risler fils, Paris 1837.
  6. * 1784 in Gingen an der Fils , Württemberg .
  7. cleaning worker; married to Joseph Schiemer, gardener on Herrenchiemsee; see. Königlich Bayerischer Polizey-Anzeiger von München No. 55, July 17, 1844, p. 649.
  8. ^ Lithographer, teacher for linear and architectural drawing, high school professor.
  9. lithographer; developed a printing press for smaller print formats that was easier and faster to operate than the heavy presses designed by Senefelder; by him, among other things, representation of the great solar eclipse on July 28, 1851 in the afternoon for Munich and its surroundings , lithograph Qu. 4 (cf. Joseph Maillinger : Bilder-Chronik , Vol. 3, Munich 1876, no. 234).
  10. ^ Theologian.
  11. Art printer assistant; Tax register plan printer (according to Munich address book 1859); married in 1864 to Henrike Humpf, decision maker from Windsbach (cf. Münchener Tagesanzeiger No. 252, 13th year, 8.9.1864: Married couples in Munich. Parish of the suburb of Au).
  12. ^ Probably Wilhelm Melchior , who also worked lithographically.
  13. Der Bayerische Volksfreund , No. 15, Munich, July 26, 1835, pp. 132/33