Franz Weinzierl (resistance fighter)

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Franz Weinzierl (born September 14, 1912 in Zauchen near Miklauzhof , † April 29, 1943 in Vienna ) was a Slovene-speaking Austrian resistance fighter against the Nazi regime.

The farmer and poet sympathized with KPÖ members in the resistance. In his hat vlg. Markovetz near Rechberg he hid Maria Urank, a girl who had fled from the resettlement camp in Germany. In August 1942 the farm also became the main hiding place for Johann Županc and Stane Mrhar, who founded the first local group of the Osvobodilna Fronta in Carinthia. Weinzierl distributed pamphlets and collected donations. In October 1942 he was drafted into the Wehrmacht, then arrested and, as one of thirteen Slovenian resistance fighters, sentenced to death by Roland Freisler by the People's Court on April 12, 1943 . He was beheaded on April 29, 1943 at the Vienna Regional Court.

His work was immortalized by Metod Turnsek in the book Unter Kärntner Brüdern , where the lost farewell letter to his parents is also printed.


  • Wilhelm Baum: Franz Weinzierl , in: The book of names. The victims of National Socialism in Carinthia , Klagenfurt 2010, pp. 793–795
  • Wilhelm Baum: The Freisler Trials in Carinthia , Klagenfurt 2011, ISBN 978-3-902585-77-6