Freiburg Islamic Studies

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The Freiburger Islamic Studies ( FIS ) is a published since 1968 Islamic studies book series (ISSN 0170-3285). The series was founded by Hans Robert Roemer and edited by Werner Ende . It is published by Steiner in Wiesbaden and Stuttgart.

The volumes in the series are mainly published in German, but also in English and French. 23 volumes had appeared by 2005.


  • 23 al-ʿAidarūs and his heirs. Esther Peskes. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2005
  • 22 The Ḥaram of Jerusalem 324-1099. Andreas Kaplony. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2002
  • 21 La principauté Ayyoubide d'Alep. Anne-Marie Eddé. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1999
  • 20 waqf in Mongolian Iran. Birgitt Hoffmann. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 2000
  • 19 The contemporary discussion of the Islamic idea of ​​counseling (šūrā) under the special aspect of continuities and discontinuities in the history of ideas. Roswitha Badry . - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1998
  • 18 From slave to sultan. Linda S. Northrup. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1998
  • 17 Ottoman Sultan Charter. Klaus Schwarz. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1997
  • 16 The nourishment of the heart. Abū-Ṭālib al-Makkī, Muḥammad Ibn-Alī. - Stuttgart: Steiner
  • 15 dervishes in the forecourt of power. Monika Gronke . - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1993
  • 14 Iranian Jewry during the Afghan invasion. Bābāʾī Ibn-Farhād. - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1990
  • 13 highlights on Sufism. Sarrāǧ, Abū-Naṣr ʿAbdallāh Ibn-ʿAlī as- . - Stuttgart: Steiner, 1990
  • 12 Al-Qušayrī's letter on Sufism. Qušairī, ʿAbd-al-Karīm Ibn-Hawāzin al- . - Stuttgart: Steiner-Verl. Wiesbaden, 1989
  • 11 The miracles of God's friends. Richard Sorrowful . - Stuttgart: Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH, 1987
  • 10 Muḥammad al-azzālī's teaching on the steps to love God. Ġazzālī, Abū-Ḥāmid Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al- . - [Stuttgart]: Steiner-Verlag-Wiesbaden-GmbH, 1984 digitized version
  • 9 The memoirs of a Syrian prince: Abuʾl-Fidāʾ, Sultan of Ḥamāh (672–732 / 1273–1331) / transl. with an introd. by PM Holt. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1983
  • 8 The Middle Way: Studies on Religious Policy a. Religiosity d. later Abbasid period. Erika Glassen. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1981
  • 7 Persian memoir literature as a source for the recent history of Iran. Bert G. Fragner. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1979
  • 6 The gifts of the knowledge of ʿUmar as-Suhrawardī = (ʿAwārif al-maʿārif). Trans. U. a. by Richard Gramlich . Wiesbaden: Steiner 1978 digitized
  • 5 The Chancellery of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent. Josef Matuz. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1974
  • 4 Ḏāt al-Himma: cultural-historical investigations into an Arabic folk novel. Udo Steinbach . Wiesbaden: Steiner 1972 digitized version
  • 3 The origins of the Ṣafawids: Šī'ism, ṣūfism, and the Ġulāt. Michel M. Mazzaoui. Wiesbaden: Steiner 1972 digitized version
  • 2 An introduction to Mamlūk historiography: An analysis of Arabic annalistic and biographical sources for the reign of al-Malik an-Nāṣir Muḥammad ibn Qalā'ūn. Donald Presgrave Little. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner 1970 digitized
  • 1 Alliance courtship of western powers for Persia: 1453–1600. Barbara from Palombini. Wiesbaden: F. Steiner 1968 digitized

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Reference in the catalog of the German National Library

Web links

  • Proof in the catalog of the German National Library