Glonntal Free School

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The Glonntal Free School is a private school based on a modified Waldorf concept in Baiern . The school is partly housed in a listed Art Nouveau building in Piusheim , which was built shortly before the First World War.

Building properties

The main building consists of a three-storey two-wing complex with half-hip roofs, an integrated house chapel and numerous dormers. It was built in the Baroque Art Nouveau style in 1912/13 by the architect Hans Steiner as the so-called " Piusheim " and is surrounded by a landscaped park with gardens with a fountain and a gate entrance. The complex includes a wooden wayside cross with a cast iron body and elaborate sheet metal housing, as well as a former two-storey farm.


The school, founded in 2007, is based on an expanded Waldorf concept and is state-approved. It offers an integrative and uniform course of education from the 1st to the 12th grade and leads to a high school diploma or secondary school leaving certificate. A selection on the basis of a talent situation or the previous performance and behavioral problems of the students does not take place. Educational and financial commitment from parents is expected. Plans to move to Höhenrain Castle have not yet been implemented. From the 7th grade onwards, students take part in educational sailing tours in the Mediterranean for at least two weeks each year. The school has three two-master sailing yachts there.

Web links

Commons : Piusheim (Baiern)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b LfD list for Ebersberg / Baiern (.pdf)
  2. SZ
  3. GEW
  4. OVB
  5. [1]

Coordinates: 47 ° 57 ′ 29.5 ″  N , 11 ° 53 ′ 38.2 ″  E