Frente de Libertação e Independência Nacional da Guiné

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The Frente de Libertação e Independência Nacional da Guiné (German: Liberation Front of the National Independence of Guinea ), sometimes also referred to as Frente de Luta pela Independência Nacional da Guiné ( Battle Front of the National Liberation of Guinea ), abbreviated to FLING , was a smaller African independence movement in Portuguese Guinea , now Guinea-Bissau .

It was founded during Portugal's colonial war in 1962 as a counterweight to the larger PAIGC liberation movement and represented more social democratic positions. It was supported by the USA and Senegal (under the Senghor regime ) and was also based in the Senegalese capital Dakar . Within Portuguese Guinea, their influence was limited to parts of little ManjagoPeople. After independence, mainly fought for by the PAIGC (1974) and in impotent opposition to the single-ruling PAIGC, the FLING gradually sank into insignificance after the overthrow of Senghor (1980); its remnants were absorbed in an opposition alliance in 1991 or became party leader François Katengul Mendy officially approved. As of 2004, the party no longer took part in the elections.


  • Arno Münster: Portugal , pages 62 and 67. Rotbuch Verlag Berlin 1975
  • Project group Africa: The Revolutionary War of Liberation in Angola, Guinea-Bissao and Mozambique , pages 97 and 117. Oberbaumverlag Berlin 1969