Friends of Prokon

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The friends of Prokon e. V. (FVP) is a registered charity based in Dortmund , which in January 2014 due to the bankruptcy of the wind energy company Prokon Regenerative Energien GmbH of investors was established and successfully began a transformation of the company into a cooperative. In Prokon's insolvency proceedings , one of the largest in German economic history, the association played an important role, and Prokon's friends gained nationwide fame.

As of June 2019, the association has around 9,450 members. These are distributed over the entire federal territory, few members are based in other European countries. As a further goal, the friends of Prokon have set themselves the commitment to power generation in citizen hands.


The association is committed to supporting the climate-friendly restructuring of the energy supply. In particular, he pursues the promotion of renewable energies on the basis of cooperative or legally comparable company forms. Due to its history and the corresponding financial commitment of the majority of its members, there is a special relationship with Prokon Regenerative Energien eG , based in Itzehoe .


When Prokon GmbH began to have liquidity problems in November 2013 , a small group of Prokon profit participation rights holders was formed with the aim of supporting the troubled company. The association was formed in January 2014 from this informal association of profit participation rights holders. After it was founded on January 24, 2014, other Prokon investors joined the original group of people.

On January 22nd, 2014, Prokon filed for bankruptcy. There were a total of around 100,000 creditors, including around 75,000 investors with profit participation rights of around EUR 1.4 billion. The association was represented by the lawyer Dorothee Madsen (at that time by the Dortmund law firm Kebekus et Zimmermann). According to its own information, the association formed the strongest community of creditors at the first creditors' meeting on July 22, 2014 with participation rights capital represented by Madsen amounting to almost 427 million euros.

The association's support of the insolvency proceedings initially consisted of giving the impetus to the development of the cooperative insolvency plan. This included the conversion of the GmbH into a registered cooperative. In other ways, too, Freunde von Prokon took part with the help of external consultants and with support from the area of ​​cooperatives through suggestions and ideas in the creditors' committee.

At the second creditors' meeting on July 2, 2015 in Hamburg, the cooperative insolvency plan was adopted with a large majority, so that the alternative plan, which provided for Prokon to be taken over by EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg , did not come into play. The club had thus achieved the goal it had striven for over the course of 18 months.

After the Prokon insolvency proceedings were concluded, the association opened up to all interested parties. Since then, membership is no longer dependent on a connection to the former Prokon Regenerative Energien GmbH. In its hammer declaration of September 20, 2015, the association made it clear that it also wants to get involved in the energy transition. Since then, the association has established and deepened contacts with other actors in this movement. The association is a member of the Federal Wind Energy Association , the Association of Energy Consumers and Eurosolar . Two members of the board belong to the council for citizen energy of the Bündnis Bürgerenergie e. V. on; the chairman Wolfgang Siegel is co-author of the Bremen Manifesto , which is supported by the association.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Homepage of the Friends of Prokon e. V., accessed on June 6, 2019: "The association currently has 9446 members"
  2. ↑ Articles of Association Retrieved on February 15, 2017.
  3. ^ Carsten Germis, Christian Müßgens: Prokon - Genusscheing creditors want the cooperative . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , July 2, 2015, accessed on February 17, 2017.
  4. Parissa Kerkhoff: Prokon creditors' meeting: Insolvency administrator Penzlin can tackle restructuring . In: , July 23, 2014, accessed on February 20, 2017.
  5. Article without title. In: News from the Friends of Prokon , No. 31, February 12, 2015, accessed on February 20, 2017 (PDF).
  6. These are the facts of the creditors' meeting . In: News from the Friends of Prokon , No. 20, July 24, 2014, accessed on February 20, 2017 (PDF).
  7. In: Solar Age. No. 4/2016, p. 68.
  8. EnBW presents offer for Prokon. In: KommPlus , No. 2/2015. Retrieved February 15, 2017.
  9. EnBW Annual Report 2015 . Retrieved February 15, 2017 (PDF).
  10. Wolfgang Fischer: The case of the wind farm operator PROKON shows: »Another world is possible«. OHA dated August 31, 2015, accessed May 1, 2019.
  11. Hammer explanation . Retrieved February 15, 2017.
  12. BBEn Supervisory Board. Retrieved February 15, 2017.
  13. Bremen Manifesto . Retrieved February 15, 2017.