Friedrich Eichlam

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Friedrich Eichlam , also Federico (* 1862 ; † July 18, 1911 ) was a German cactus and stamp collector. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Eichlam ".


Eichlam, after which some plant species received the epithet eichlamii , lived in Hildburghausen , where he also became its chairman on July 1, 1885 when the Hildburghausen stamp collecting association was founded. He was the son of a shoemaker, but took over his mother's embroidery business at a young age. In 1892, however, he moved to Guatemala , where he became a partner in Clermont & Co. As a cactus collector, he traveled through Central America , from where he also described new species. His travel routes have not yet been reconstructed. He laid out an extensive cactus garden for his studies. His few surviving herbarium specimens are in the Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden and in the United States National Herbarium .

In 1911 he died on the return voyage from Guatemala to Europe on board the Heredia off the Azores and was buried at sea.

Individual evidence

  1. Much more than just brands
  2. monthly for cactus science; 19 (4): 59-60, 1909
  3. ^ Vaupel, F. 1911: Federico Eichlam. - Monthly for cactus science 21: 163.
  4. ^ Mario Esteban Véliz Pérez: Estado del conocimiento de la familia Cactaceae in Guatemala . In: Boletín de la Sociedad Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Cactáceas y otras Suculentas . Volume 7, Number 2, 2010, PDF .
  5. ^ Vaupel, F. 1911: Federico Eichlam. - Monthly for Cactiology 21: 161-164.

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