Friedrich Grach

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Friedrich Grach (* 1812 in Trier ; † August 25, 1854 in Russe , Bulgaria ) fought as a German in the Turkish army.

Friedrich Grach, the well-known defender of the fortress Silistra , joined the Prussian artillery, rose to the position of sergeant and was with the command that was sent to Constantinople in 1841 to organize the Turkish artillery on the Prussian model.

He was promoted to officer here, took his leave when the Prussian commanders were recalled in 1848 and returned to his previous position in Turkey in 1849, where he was promoted to major.

After the outbreak of the Crimean War , he took over the management of the artillery in Silistra under Mussa Pasha , and he is mainly credited with the brilliant defense of this fortress. He died of cholera on August 25, 1854 in Rustschuk (now Russian), then part of the Ottoman Empire .