Friedrich Rabeneck

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Friedrich Rabeneck (born April 15, 1905 , † 1977 ) was a German businessman and SS leader.


Rabeneck was an accountant by profession and until autumn 1939 department head for the commercial area in the private sector. In 1931 Rabeneck joined the NSDAP . As early as 1932 he was a member of the SS (SS No. 200.582). In the SS he reached the rank of SS-Hauptsturmführer in the reserve of the Waffen-SS . After the outbreak of the Second World War , Rabeneck did military service in the Waffen SS from November 1939. In July 1941 he was transferred to the main office for administration and economics, where he became head of department in office W III. After the establishment of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA) in February 1942, Rabeneck succeeded Karl Möckel in August 1942 as head of the Office W III - Food Companies. Rabeneck remained in this position until the end of the war.

After the end of the war, Rabeneck did not have to answer for his work in the WVHA.


  • Walter Naasner (Hrsg.): SS-Wirtschaft und SS-Verwaltung - The SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt and the economic ventures under its supervision , Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf 1998, publications of the Federal Archives: 45a, ISBN 3-7700-1603-3 .
  • Jan Erik Schulte : Forced Labor and Extermination: The Economic Empire of the SS. Oswald Pohl and the SS Economic Administration Main Office 1933-1945. Paderborn 2001, ISBN 3-506-78245-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Jan Erik Schulte: Forced Labor and Destruction: The Economic Empire of the SS. Oswald Pohl and the SS Economic Administration Main Office 1933-1945. Paderborn 2001, p. 475
  2. Friedrich Rabeneck on