Friedrich von Gemmingen (1587–1634)

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Friedrich von Gemmingen (born October 15, 1587 ; † 1634 near Germersheim ) was the landlord in Eschenau .


He was a son of Pleikard von Gemmingen (1536–1594) and Anna Felicitas Landschad von Steinach. After the early death of their father, Friedrich and his brother Reinhard (1591–1638) were under the tutelage of Wolf Konrad Greck von Kochendorf . The brothers later married their guardian's daughters. Friedrich studied with his brother Reinhard in Orleans in 1607. He had property in Eschenau and was slain by robbers in 1634 in the turmoil of the Thirty Years' War near Germersheim. Before the battle of Nördlingen, his wife had gold chains made for her children from the proceeds of the wine sold in Eschenau . When the family later fled from the chaos of war, the chains were sold in Speyer.


Friedrich was married to Anna Sibylla Greck von Kochendorf († 1671). Later the inheritance also fell to her sister Anna Agnes, who was married to Friedrich's brother Reinhard. Negotiations for the legacy of the Greck sisters took longer. The severely fragmented property in Lehrensteinsfeld was sold by the large community of heirs to Ludwig von Schmidberg in 1649 . Anna Sibylla outlived her husband by 37 years and died in 1671 at the age of 77, at last deaf and almost without memory. The sons of Friedrich and Anna had no male descendants, so that with Weirich, who remained single, in 1678 the branch line of line II ( Gemmingen-Guttenberg ) of the Barons of Gemmingen in the male line became extinct.


  • Anna Benedicta († 1647) ∞ Weiprecht von Gemmingen-Hornberg
  • Sibylla Felicitas († 1654) ∞ Achilles Christoph von Gemmingen
  • Wolf Friedrich (1612–1666) ∞ Anna Praxidis of Mentzingen
  • Weirich (1622–1678) remained single
