Frisky Tom

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Frisky Tom
Frisky Tom Logo.png
Studio Nichibutsu / Nihon Bussan
Publisher Nichibutsu
10/ 1981
genre Maze
Game mode 2 players take turns
control 4-way joystick
casing Standard, mini and cocktail
Arcade system Main CPU : Z80 (@ 3.072 MHz)
Sound CPU: NSC8105 (@ 1.5 MHz)
Sound Chips: AY-3-8910
monitor Raster resolution 256 × 224 (4: 3 horizontal) Color palette: 64

Frisky Tom is an arcade game of the genre action game of 1981, in 1983 for the Atari 5200 by Nichibutsu was made. The object of the game is to provide enough water for a shower by crawling along pipes in a network and keeping them connected. Different types of mice are the opponents in the game that try to impede the player ( called Tom in the game ) by breaking lines.


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