Fritz Brack

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Fritz Brack (born April 24, 1896 in Hamburg ; † 20th century) was a German politician ( KPD ). He was a member of the state parliament of the Free State of Mecklenburg-Strelitz .


Brack lived as a farm worker in Menzenberg ( Grieben ). In 1920 he joined the KPD and headed the KPD local group Schönberg (Mecklenburg) . From 1932 to 1933 he was a member of the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. After the National Socialists "seized power " in 1933, the three MPD members of the Bundestag Brack, Willi Schultz and Adolf Giese, were deprived of their legal mandates. Brack was arrested and taken into " protective custody ". He was imprisoned in Oranienburg concentration camp until November 1933 . He was arrested again in November 1934 for illegal activity for the KPD and sentenced in April 1935 to one year and nine months in prison.

Nothing could be determined about his further fate.


  • Horst Bendig, Wolfgang Höch (Ed.) The anti-fascist resistance struggle under the leadership of the KPD in Mecklenburg 1933–1945 . Dietz, Berlin 1985, p. 74.
  • Martin Schumacher (Hrsg.): MdL The end of the parliaments in 1933 and the members of the state parliaments and citizenships of the Weimar Republic in the time of National Socialism. Political persecution, emigration and expatriation 1933–1945 . Droste, Düsseldorf 1995, ISBN 3-77005-189-0 , p. 17.
  • Beate Behrens: Mecklenburg in the time of National Socialism 1933–1945. A documentation . 2., through and exp. Edition. Neuer Hochschulschriften Verlag, Rostock 1998, ISBN 3-929544-46-6 , p. 54.
  • Brack, Fritz . In: Hermann Weber , Andreas Herbst : German Communists. Biographical Handbook 1918 to 1945 . 2., revised. and strong exp. Edition Dietz, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-320-02130-6 , p. 137.