Fritz Konrad

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Fritz Konrad (born September 21, 1914 in Gudellen ; † October 14, 1943 in the Sobibór extermination camp ) was a German SS squad leader . He was killed by inmates of the camp during the Sobibór uprising . Nothing is known about his previous life.

SS career

Fritz Conrad was first governor in the madhouse of Neuruppin . He then worked as a transport attendant as part of " Aktion T4 " in the Nazi killing center Sonnenstein and killing center Schloss Grafeneck in Grafeneck near Münsingen . In March 1943 he was sent to the Sobibór extermination camp, where he supervised the work of the camp inmates in the sorting barrack and served as a member of the camp team in Camp III.

He was to be killed on October 14, 1943 by the inmates Cybulski and Kapo Grisha. According to the inmate Zelda Metz, this happened in the shoemaker's shop.

Baggage and sorting barracks

The baggage barracks and the smaller sorting barracks in the Sobibór extermination camp were located between the ramp where the transports arrived and camp II. In the baggage barrack stood working Jews who removed the luggage and pretended that the luggage went into Jewish hands and they would later get it from them got back. The luggage was then taken to the sorting barrack, where Konrad and others were supervising. There it was searched for valuables and usable items.

In camp III, in which Konrad was on duty, there was such physical and psychological wear and tear that the Jews could withstand it for a maximum of a few weeks, which is why men from camp I were sent to camp III as substitutes.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Ernst Klee : The cultural lexicon for the Third Reich. Who was what before and after 1945 . S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2007, ISBN 978-3-10-039326-5 , p. 329.
  2. Schelvis: Sobibór extermination camp. P. 180 and 305
  3. Schelvis: Sobibór extermination camp. P. 80
  4. Schelvis: Sobibór extermination camp. P. 79