Fritz Weidmann

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Fritz Weidmann (born May 18, 1936 in Berlin ) is a German Catholic theologian.


After receiving his doctorate in 1972 as Dr. theol. in Munich he taught from 1977 to 1980 as a professor for didactics of Catholic religious instruction at the University of Koblenz-Landau , at the University of Bayreuth (1980–1983), at the University of Augsburg from 1983 and as an honorary professor at the PTH Benediktbeuern since 2005 .


Works (selection)

  • The prayer in religion class. Possibilities and limits of a prayer education in school religious instruction (= studies on practical theology . Volume 3). Benziger, Zurich / Einsiedeln / Cologne 1973, ISBN 3-545-21503-2 (also dissertation, Munich 1972).
  • Creative students. Examples of creative student behavior in religious education at all school levels (= religious education. Theory and practice . Volume 28). Benziger, Zurich / Einsiedeln / Cologne 1974, ISBN 3-545-26110-7 .
  • Religious instruction, oriented towards the student. Task and principle of religious instruction . Auer, Donauwörth 1978, ISBN 3-403-00804-5 .
  • with Josef Hepp: On the way to salvation. Reflections and texts on the church year . Auer, Donauwörth 1981, ISBN 3-403-01232-8 .
  • Life with perspective. Reflections and addresses on the church year . Auer, Donauwörth 1984, ISBN 3-403-01586-6 .
  • Christian social teaching. A concern of religious instruction (= church and society . Number 197). Bachem, Cologne 1993, ISBN 3-7616-1212-5 .
  • The real thing is so close. Suggestions for a spirituality in everyday life . Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau / Basel / Vienna 2013, ISBN 3-451-31072-4 .
