Fromage de Herve

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The Fromage de Herve , also known colloquially as Herver cheese or Herve for short , is a Belgian soft cheese and comes from the region around the city of Herve in the province of Liège . It is a product with a protected designation of origin .


Herver cheese, also known locally as Remoudou, is mostly cube-shaped and comes in four different weight classes: 50, 100, 200 and 400 grams. Its interior is ivory-colored, matt-finished and has a few fracture holes. Its bark is orange-yellow and slightly damp.

Today, the Herve is made almost exclusively from pasteurized cow's milk, which comes from the area of ​​origin. The milk is warmed up and rennet is added. After 1 to 1½ hours, the thick milk is cut into pieces the size of a hazelnut . The fracture is from the whey separated and shapes to squares shaped and lightly pressed. The cheese is treated with red smear and matures in five to six weeks in humid cellar rooms. During its ripening phase, it is washed several times a week with brine so that the cheese can develop its full aroma .

The Herve is a very intense, piquant and spicy cheese, both in taste and in smell. Its fat content is 45% fat i. Tr. This cheese is served neat with beer or at the end of a menu . It can also be used to bake toast bread . A Herve with the addition of piquant extra matures for at least two months and has an even more intense smell and taste.

See also

Limburg , Romadur

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Regulation (EC) No. 1263/96 (PDF)