Front (marine)

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Front in the US Navy

The front is a tribute to the crews of warships . Usually they are given time-honored ships, commanders , flag officers and ambassadors .


When high guests come on board or leave the ship in ports , all soldiers on the upper deck and on the pier turn to the person in the basic position ; they “make the front”. The front is also given to the captain of your own ship when he arrives in uniform . In addition, there is a whistle when he enters the Stelling and comes on board.

At sea, large, old and famous ships are overtaken on their starboard side . The crew stands side by side in a passing line-up on the port side and greets the ship or the commanding officer of the unit. The front is also common across memorials . She commands every German and foreign warship to pass the Laboe Naval Memorial .

If two warships meet at sea (within earshot, in daylight), the front whistles are also whistled, and the ship with the lower-ranking commander pays homage first.

On ships of the German Navy , the front line is whistled by the officer on watch with the battery whistle. To port is long − short − short with the announcement "Front to port!", To starboard long − short with "Front to starboard!"

Officers and NCOs with portepee salute militarily . The front ends with two short whistles and the announcement “Stir yourselves!”.

Web links

Commons : Front  - collection of images, videos and audio files