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Footrest on a Triumph
Footrest on a historic Württembergia

As footrests storage areas for which are feet of the driver or the passenger of a motorcycle or other vehicle, respectively.

Usually they are made of metal ( steel , aluminum ), less often of plastic, and can be folded in using a hinge . There are also footrests that are mainly intended for the pillion passenger, which can be assembled and disassembled using a plug-in principle (without tools). These footrests are also intended for mounting on the swing arm. For this purpose, the original racing adapters are exchanged for special adapters, on which the footrests are pushed by means of a torsional movement. Without this torsional movement, the footrests can only be loosened with enormous effort. The support surface is usually grooved or corrugated or coated with non-slip plastic in order to offer the best possible hold despite its small size.

Fear nipple

Colloquially and in specialist circles, the elevations protruding on the lower outside are also called grid , grinding or fear nipples , as they can come into contact with the roadway if they are inclined. This is intentional from the design point of view. The associated noise development warns the driver in good time before the exhaust, footrests, main stand or other motorcycle parts are touching down, and draws the driver's attention to the fact that a critical lean angle has been reached.

Individual evidence

  1. Anxiety nipple., September 30, 2011, accessed on November 23, 2016 .

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