Radio test vehicle

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Radio test vehicle of the Federal Network Agency, 2016
BNetzA measuring vehicle, 2004 under the name RegTP

A radio test vehicle (also commonly known as a direction finder vehicle ) is a vehicle with measuring devices and receivers as well as rotating antennas .

Vehicles used by telecommunications and security authorities

The German Federal Network Agency mostly uses VW buses with a rotating telescopic mast and measuring receivers in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 3.5 GHz to find faults .

Police services usually use inconspicuous family cars such as station wagons to locate or monitor broadcasts . The antennas are then placed in ski cases or other inconspicuous roof structures. Only the unavoidable cables leading into the car are telltale. It can also IMSI catcher can be used. Cell phones in the area log on to the device because of the greater field strength and are passed on to the next normal converter. The conversations can then be recorded and evaluated in the vehicle.


  • A Deutsche Bundespost tracking car played a "leading role" in the 1981 film comedy pirate station Powerplay .
  • In the computer game Das Telekommando , commissioned by the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom in 1992 , a direction finder also plays a role in locating a jammer.
  • A widespread legend said that measuring vehicles on behalf of the GEZ would track down "black seers". This was not the case.


Web links

Wiktionary: Peilwagen  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Broadcasting fees : your rights against the GEZ investigator on from January 24, 2008