Günter Herm

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Günter Herm (born January 14, 1928 in Brandenburg an der Havel ) is a former German politician ( SED ). He was chairman of the District Party Control Commission (BPKK) Potsdam .


Herm was born as the son of the KPD politician and later Lord Mayor of Brandenburg (Havel) Max Herm and his wife Minna Herm , who was also a KPD member and was politically active as a resistance fighter. Since his parents were imprisoned during the National Socialist era , he grew up with his maternal aunt. He attended elementary school and then completed an apprenticeship as an electrician . In 1945 he was drafted into the army for military service and was taken prisoner of war.

He returned to his hometown from captivity a week before Christmas 1945 and saw his mother again after 13 years. He became a member of the Antifa youth committee and joined the FDJ and the SED in 1946 . He first worked as an electrician, attended a party school where his mother was a lecturer.

He finished his studies with a degree in social science. From 1952 he was active in various party functions. He headed the SED state party school in Brandenburg in Ludwigsfelde , and later the educational institution of the SED district leadership in Potsdam. In the district management he also worked as the deputy head of department for agitation and propaganda . From 1971 to 1989 Herm was a member of the secretariat of the SED district leadership, from 1967 a member and finally from May 1971 chairman of the BPKK Potsdam. He was the successor to Erna Warnke , who had chaired the BPKK Potsdam without interruption from 1952 to 1971.

Herm was also a member of the Potsdam District Assembly .



  • Günther Buch: Names and dates of important people in the GDR. 4th, revised and expanded edition. Dietz, Berlin (West) / Bonn 1987, ISBN 3-8012-0121-X , p. 120.
  • Gabriele Baumgartner, Dieter Hebig (Hrsg.): Biographisches Handbuch der SBZ / DDR. 1945–1990 . Volume 1: Abendroth - Lyr . KG Saur, Munich 1996, ISBN 3-598-11176-2 , p. 307.

Individual evidence

  1. Portrait of Mia Herm in New Germany , April 13, 1985, p. 9.
  2. Congratulations on your 60th birthday in New Germany , January 14, 1988, p. 2.