Günter Lesche

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Günter Lesche (born August 24, 1932 in Remscheid - Lüttringhausen ) is a concert singer who became known as the "Bergischer Baritone", initiated the cultural bridge to Russia and now lives in the Linde district of Wuppertal .

Günter Lesche at the piano


At first he worked as a businessman and, inspired by a liking for choir singing, began studying music at what is now the Cologne University of Music . The still young bass-baritone found numerous well-known supporters among the music teachers and was ultimately sensitized to the tradition of German songs. His concert tours not only took him to Germany's music centers, but also to many European cultural metropolises.

Lesche is listed in the singer lexicon Immortal Voices . His series of songbooks, which document the eight hundred year tradition of German songs, was widely recognized. By building a cultural bridge to the Russian states - especially in connection with the city of Engels on the Volga - he helped the Germans from Russia to preserve their cultural identity. There was still an exchange with the Russian city in 2014 when Lesche traveled there.

At the age of 85 he was still giving concerts in Lüttringjhausen.



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