Günter Warnecke (meteorologist)

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Günter Warnecke (born December 28, 1929 in Braunschweig ) is a German meteorologist and professor emeritus.


Günter Warnecke studied meteorology , geophysics , mathematics and geology at the Humboldt University of Berlin and the Free University of Berlin (FU) from 1948 to 1956 . Here he received his doctorate in 1956 with Richard Scherhag with a contribution to the aerology of the Arctic stratosphere . 1963–1964 and 1966–1968 he was a visiting scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland (USA) and was involved in the evaluation of the data from the first weather satellites. After his return, he completed his habilitation in 1969 at the Free University of Berlin and was professor of meteorology there from 1971 until his retirement in 1995. From 1983 he also held lectures at the Technical University of Berlin for the subject of technical environmental protection .

The research topics he worked on included circulations in the stratosphere and mesosphere , remote sensing of the atmosphere , oceans and land masses , air pollution transport processes , image processing and interpretation, dynamic analysis of meteorological video sequences, and the multimedia integration of meteorological satellite data .

Works (selection)

  • A Contribution to the Aerology of the Arctic Stratosphere. Dissertation, Free University of Berlin 1956, | DNB .
  • The first color picture of the Earth taken from the ATS-3 satellite. G. Warnecke and WS Sunderlin, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 49 , 75 (1968), DOI: 10.1175 / 1520-0477-49.2.75 .
  • Remote sensing of ocean currents and sea surface temperature changes derived from the nimbus II satellite. G. Warnecke, LJ Allison, LM McMillan, K.-H. Szekielda, J. Phys. Oceanogr. 1, 45 (1971), DOI: 10.1175 / 1520-0485 (1971) 001 <0045: RSOOCA> 2.0.CO; 2
  • Meteorology and the Environment. Textbook, Springer Heidelberg, 2nd edition 1997, ISBN 978-3-642-59214-0 DOI: 10.1007 / 978-3-642-59214-0 .