G. Gordon Young

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George Gordon Young , known as G. Gordon Young (* 1908 in Bristol ; † April 3, 1963 in Zurich ) was a British journalist and non-fiction author .

Life and activity

In 1930 Young joined the Reuters news agency , for which he worked until 1942. From 1934 to 1937 he was her Berlin correspondent. He then returned to Reuters' main London office as an Associate Editor. In the following years he took on various special orders for his agency: He accompanied George VI. and his wife on their North America voyage on the yacht Empress of Australia in 1938, attended the Bad Godesberg meeting of British Prime Minister Arthur Neville Chamberlain with Hitler in September 1938, interviewed Joseph Goebbels on November 12, 1938 - d. H. immediately after the pogroms of the Reichskristallnacht , which he helped initiate , on the Jewish question and traveled to Finland in the winter of 1939/1940 to report on the Soviet attack on this country. In the spring of 1940, Young, who had taken up quarters in Amsterdam when the war began in September 1939, was only able to flee the Netherlands with little difficulty when it was occupied by German troops.

In 1942 Young moved to the Daily Express , for which he a. a. reported as a special correspondent from the Middle East as well as from India and Burma before moving to the Swedish capital Stockholm during the final phase of the war . From there he traveled - via Denmark - to Germany in 1945, from where he was one of the first reporters to report after the end of the war. In June 1945, for example, he conducted an interview with the rocket researcher Wernher von Braun .

From 1959 Young worked as Assistant Director for the International Press Institute (IPI) in Zurich . His main responsibilities were to lead the IPI Report, the IPI's monthly bulletin, and to organize the journalistic seminars that the institute hosted.

As an author of non-fiction books, Young submitted twelve works.


  • Voyage of State , 1939.
  • Outposts of Victory , 1943.
  • Outposts of Peace , 1945.
  • Stalin's Heirs , 1953.
  • Golden Prince. The remarkable Life of Prince ALi Khan , 1955.
  • The Cat with Two Faces , 1957.
  • House of Secrets , 1959.
  • In Trust and Treason. The Strange Story of Suzanne Warren , 1959.
  • The Fall and Rise of Alfried Krupp , 1960.
  • IPI - the First Ten Years: The Story of the International Press Institute , 1962.


  • Obituary in: IPI Report: Monthly Bulletin of the International Press Institute , Vol. 12-14, 1963, pp.