Gabriel Desmoulins

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Gabriel Desmoulins (* 1842 in Limoges ; † 1902 ) was a French composer , organist and music teacher.

Desmoulins worked as an organist and composer in Brive ( Département Corrèze ). He composed mainly church music, including choral works ( Lux Aeterna ), oratorios and lyrical dramas such as Sainte Philomène vierge et martyre . Several chamber music works were published posthumously , including a sonata for violin and piano and 24 preludes for piano.


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Martin: Orgues du Limousin (Inventaire national des orgues). Edisud, Aix-en-Provence 1993, ISBN 2-85744-685-3 , p. 134 ( limited preview in Google book search).