Gabriele di Santa Maria Magdalena

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Gabriele di Santa Maria Magdalena (born January 24, 1893 in Belgium as Hadrian de Vos , † March 15, 1953 in Rome ) was a Roman Catholic priest and Carmelite .


He joined the Discalced Carmelites in 1910. He was ordained a priest on December 20, 1919 . He studied in Leuven and at the Angelicum in Rome. From 1926 he was professor of theology and vice-rector at the Pontificia Facultas Theologica Teresianum , where he taught asceticism and mysticism from 1931 until his death. In 1944 he founded the magazine Vita Carmelitana , which was renamed Rivista di vita spirituale in 1947 . In 1945 Pius XII appointed him . as a consultor in the Congregation for Rites .

Fonts (selection)

  • Mystery of friendship with God. Volume 1. From the first Sunday in Advent to Holy Saturday . Vienna 1960, OCLC 632727193 .
  • Mystery of friendship with God. Volume 2. From Easter Sunday to the ninth Sunday after Pentecost . Vienna 1959, OCLC 632727222 .
  • Mystery of friendship with God. Volume 3. From the tenth to the last Sunday after Pentecost . Vienna 1966, OCLC 720172340 .
  • From praying to looking. Guiding on the way to perfection according to St. Theresa of Jesus . Paderborn 1962, OCLC 314404152 .
  • The prayer of the heart. Little catechism . Munich 1963, OCLC 720152994 .

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