Gaius Acilius

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Gaius Acilius was a Roman senator and historian from the gens Acilia who lived in the 2nd century BC. Lived.

Acilius' family belonged to the Roman nobility, he himself was a member of the Senate. Because of his knowledge of Greek , Acilius was 155 BC. Active as a translator for the philosophers Karneades , Diogenes and Kritolaos , who had come to Rome as ambassadors from Athens .

Acilius wrote a history of Rome in Greek, which ran from the "arrival of the Trojans" in the west until 146 BC. Chr. Was enough. According to Titus Livius , the work was published around 142/141 BC. Published. The work, which has only survived in fragments, may have been translated into Latin by a certain Claudius , but this is uncertain.


  • Hans Beck , Uwe Walter : The early Roman historians. Volume 1: From Fabius Pictor to Cn. Gellius. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2001, ISBN 3-534-14757-X , pp. 234–241.



  1. Overview of life and work (with more recent literature) in Hans Beck, Uwe Walter: The early Roman historians. Volume 1. Darmstadt 2001, p. 232 f.
  2. See Hans Beck, Uwe Walter: The early Roman historians. Volume 1. Darmstadt 2001, p. 233.
  3. Livy, Periochae 53.
  4. Hans Beck, Uwe Walter: The early Roman historians. Volume 1. Darmstadt 2001, p. 233, note 7.