Gaius Mammius Salutaris

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Gaius Mammius Salutaris (full name form Gaius Mammius Gai filius Palatina Salutaris ) was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD .

A military diploma shows that Salutaris 101 was in command of the Cohors I Flavia Hispanorum milliaria , which at that time was stationed in the province of Moesia superior . Salutaris was inscribed in the tribe Palatina and probably came from Rome.

Individual evidence

  1. Military diploma of the year 101 ( RMD 3, 143 ).
  2. Margaret M. Roxan : Roman Military Diplomas 1985–1993 (= University of London, Institute of Archeology. Occasional Publications, Volume 14). Institute of Archeology, London 1994, pp. 260-261, no. 143, note 11.