Galileo X.perience

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Television broadcast
Original title Galileo X.perience
Galileo X.perience Logo.jpg
Country of production GermanyGermany Germany
Year (s) 2010, 2012
length 55 minutes
Episodes 11
genre magazine
idea ProSieben
Moderation Aiman ​​Abdallah
First broadcast October 29, 2010 on ProSieben

Galileo X.perience (for Experience dt. Experience ) is a German television program and an offshoot of the pseudo-science magazine Galileo , whose first season on Fridays from 29 October 2010 to 3 December 2010. at 22:15 on the private channel aired ProSieben. The second season began on July 22, 2012 and was broadcast on ProSieben at 7:05 p.m. on Sundays. The show will be moderated by Aiman ​​Abdallah .


According to their own statements, the program shows more or less spectacular accidents in which those affected survived despite the low probability. Interviews are also carried out with the victims and witnesses. One or more experiments are then used to check how the person concerned was able to survive in this situation. The special thing about it is that original film material , which was recorded by amateur filmmakers or surveillance cameras , is shown in the broadcast.

In each episode three cases are presented and explained.


episode description First broadcast
01 The skydiver Michael Holmes falls in free fall from 4500 meters into the depth. It hits the ground almost unchecked. Actually, his chances of survival are zero - but Michael survived. October 29, 2010
The trailer of a truck crushed a small car under itself. There is actually no chance of survival for the inmates. But after more than an hour of attempted rescue, the Mexican climbs out of his wrecked car completely unharmed.
A scooter and a car collide at an intersection in Athens: usually a life-threatening accident for the two-wheeler. But he survived a stunt over the hood.
02 When Cem Tokac steered several trucks out of the shelter on February 25, 2009, something incredible happened: A freight train rammed the truck that Cem was waving out; the truck rolls over him. The 40-ton cargo loosens and threatens to kill him, but incredibly, Cem survives. 5th November 2010
Shweta Verma stands on the platform and waits for the S-Bahn with her baby in a stroller. The stroller rolls onto the tracks due to a brief inattention. The buggy is completely destroyed, but the baby survives unharmed.
Two men are in the middle of the rush hour ships in the Thames. A huge tractor drives towards the two of them head-on. You ultimately survive without injury.
03 Chase Weir drives his cruise control set to 100 km / h on the motorway near Melbourne. When he wanted to leave the aforementioned motorway, he noticed that the cruise control was preventing the brakes and the speed remained constant at 100 km / h: a nightmare for every driver. November 12, 2010
Scott Lutz goes skydiving in the spring of 1997. But he accidentally pulls on the wrong leash and is torn from the hands of his trainers. He pulls his reserve umbrella, but it lands on a 12,000 volt power line and falls to the ground. He still survives.
A Polish music group gets caught in a tornado, which turns their vehicle once on its own axis. All inmates survive.
04 November 1990 in Portugal: The rally driver Louise Aitken-Walker loses control of her car due to the wet road. The car falls down a slope and lands in a lake. When it sinks to the bottom, Louise is already finished with her life. November 19, 2010
05 On Keoki Rosimo's 21st birthday, he suddenly fell into the track bed. One of his friends tries - too late - to pull him out of this. The friends watch helplessly as he is run over by a subway. November 26, 2010
06 In the Indian Ocean, Kerstin Bruns was washed off board a container ship. It's dark, it's raining, and although the ship has stopped, the chances of finding it are extremely slim for them. But after 20 hours in the water, she can ultimately be saved. December 3, 2010
07 Russ Mowry is a New York helicopter pilot. He flies with TV news reporters to those places where something dramatic happens. On May 4, 2004, he and his team experienced a terrible catastrophe themselves. The tail rotor of his helicopter fails at a height of almost 400 meters, and the machine spins towards the roofs of Brooklyn. As if by a miracle, the team survived. July 22, 2012

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Retrieved on July 25, 2012