Ganjirō Nakamura

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Nakamura around 1958

Ganjirō Nakamura ( Japanese 中 村 鴈 治郎 , Nakamura Ganjirō ; actually Yoshio Hayashi ( 林 好 雄 , Hayashi Yoshio ); born February 17, 1902 in Osaka ; died April 13, 1983 ) was a kabuki and film actor. He is the second to have this name after his father .

Live and act

Nakamura was born in Osaka, but moved to Kyoto when he was four years old. As a teenager he already appeared in children's theater. From 1924 he switched to kabuki, where he developed into an outstanding actor. He first appeared in a film in 1955. In his last film in 1980, which dealt with the sinking of the Tokugawa , he appeared as Tokugawa Ieyasu .


In 1967 Nakamura was named a Living National Treasure. In 1968 he received the Medal of Honor . The NHK Culture Prize followed in 1969, and the Japanese Academy of Arts Prize in 1970 . In 1972 Nakamura became a member of the Japanese Academy of Arts , in 1974 he was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure , in 1980 he was appointed Person of Special Cultural Merit , and in 1983 he was given a higher level of the Order of the Sacred Treasure.


Films by director Ozu Yasujirō are marked with a ◎. The other German titles are free translations from Japanese.

  • 1957: An Ōsaka story ( 大阪 物語 , Ōsaka monogatari )
  • 1957: Night asylum ( ど ん 底 , Donzoku ; Rokubei), Osugi's husband
  • 1958: A treasure trove of loyal vassals ( 忠臣 蔵 , Chūshingura ), Gorobei Kakimi
  • 1958: In Flames ( 炎 上 , Enjō ; Tayama Dosen)
  • 1958: A festival of Edokko ( 江 戸 っ 子 祭 , Edokko matsuri )
  • 1959: Farewell at dusk ( 浮 草 , Ukigusa ; Komajurō), head of the troop ◎
  • 1961: The voluptuous man No. 1 ( 好色 一代 男 , Kōshoku ichdai otoko )
  • 1959: The Key ( , Kagi )
  • 1959: The birth of Japan ( 日本 誕生 , Nihon tanjō ), Emperor Keikō
  • 1960: When the woman climbed the stairs ( 女 が 階段 を 上 る 時 , Onna ga kaidan ni noboru toki )
  • 1961: The autumn of the Kohayagawa family , Kohayagawa Mambei ◎
  • 1961: Buddha ( 釈 迦 , Shaka )
  • 1962: The Temple of the Cranes ( 雁 の 寺 , Gan no tera )
  • 1963: The Echizen bamboo doll ( 越 前 竹 人形 , Echizen Take-ningyō )
  • 1964: Ghost stories 4: In the tea bowl ( 怪 談 第四 話 茶碗 の 中 , Kaidan Daiyon hanashi Chawan no naka )
  • 1966: The harp by the lake ( 湖 の 琴 , Mizuumi no koto )
  • 1966: The erotic doctrine of mankind ( エ ロ 事 師 た ち よ り 人類学 入門 , Erojishitachi yori jinrui nyūmon )
  • 1980: The Fall of the Tokugawa ( 徳 川 一族 の 崩 壊 , Tokugawa issoku no hōkai )


  1. A free adaptation of Gorky's night asylum .
  2. One of the film adaptations of the Bunraku and Kabuki play of the same name, which deals with the revenge of the 47 Rōnin .


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