Living national treasure

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Living National Treasure , ( Japanese 人間 国宝 , Ningen kokuhō ) is the slang term for a person who has been awarded by the Japanese state for their excellent ability to continue and thereby preserve traditional craftsmanship.

To the subject

In order to preserve traditional cultural assets such as theater, music, traditional handicrafts and other items of particular value, the “Law for the Protection of Important Cultural Assets” was expanded to include the category “Intangible cultural assets” in 1950. This means that individuals or groups who maintain a corresponding skill ( わ ざ , waza ) have been recognized as carriers of the same - since 1955. There are three groups of awards:

  • Individual award ( 各個 認定 , Kakko nintei ) for individuals,
  • Collective award ( 総 合 認定 , Sōgō nintei ) for two or more people who work together and have outstanding skills as individuals,
  • Award of a group ( 保持 団 体 認定 , Hoji dantai nintei ) for groups as a whole without special consideration of individual skills .

Only the individually honored person is called the Living National Treasure. The honored person receives an annual honorary salary of currently 2 million yen . Groups are supported by covering part of the performance costs. The Japanese National Theater ( 国立 劇場 , Kokuritsu gekijō ) supports training in the areas of No , Bunraku and Kabuki .

Even if the o. A. If status is not granted, selected “records” can be registered as material evidence of immaterial abilities ( 「記録 作成 等 の 措置 を 講 ず べ き 無形 文化 財」 ). At the national level, the state registers itself, otherwise it supports regional bodies in this task.

The individual categories

Performing arts

see also: List of Living National Treasures of Japan (show arts)

  • Imperial court music Gagaku ( 雅 楽 , gagaku )
  • ( 能 楽 , nōgaku )
  • Bunraku ( 文 楽 , bunraku )
  • Kabuki ( 歌舞 伎 , kabuki )
  • Group dance, Okinawa ( 組 踊 , kumi-odori )
  • Music on traditional instruments: Biwa , Koto , Shakuhachi etc. a. ( 音 楽 , ongaku )
  • Dance ( 舞 踊 , buyō )
  • Lecture art : Rakugo u. a. ( 演 芸 , engi , entertainment arts )
  • Acting ( 演劇 , engki )


see also: List of Living National Treasures of Japan (handicrafts)

  • Pottery ( 陶 芸 , tōgei )
  • Coloring ( 染織 , senshoku )
  • Coloring with paper templates ( 染織 (伊 勢 型 紙) , senshoku ( Ise-Katagami ) )
  • Lacquer work ( 漆 芸 , shitsugei )
  • Metalwork ( 金工 , kinkō )
  • Metalwork: swords ( 金工 (刀 剣) , kinkō (tōken) )
  • Dolls ( 人形 , ningyō )
  • Wood and bamboo work ( 木 ・ 竹工 , moku chikukō )
  • Various handicrafts ( 諸 工 芸 , shokōgei )
  • Japanese paper ( 和 紙 , washi )


  1. The correct designation in the law for the protection of important cultural assets is somewhat cumbersome "keeper of an important immaterial cultural asset" ( 重要 無形 文化 財 保持 者 , Jūyō mukei bunkazai hojisha ). - National treasures within the meaning of the law are exclusively material cultural goods : paintings, sculptures, buildings, handicrafts, etc.
  2. z. Currently around € 16,000, as of August 31, 2020.
  3. More precisely: Sōkyō ( 箏 曲 ).


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