Gaspare da Pesaro

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Gaspare da Pesaro (documented 1413–1461 in Palermo ) was an Italian painter of panel paintings and miniatures in Sicily .


Today it is assumed that the name addition Pesaro was his family name and does not refer to his geographical origin. In Palermo his activity is documented from 1421. He painted two church flags for Agrigento , four saints for the Cathedral of Monreale and triptychs for the Chiesa Santa Maria della Miseriocordia of Termini Imerese and the Church of Gibilrossa .

In 1438 he was commissioned by Alfonso V of Aragón (il Magnanimo) to add miniatures to several manuscripts .

Several researchers believe that the famous painting “The Triumph of Death” in Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo was made by him.

His sons Benedetto and Guglielmo da Pesaro (documented 1465–1493) were also painters. The large painted crucifix in the cathedral of Cefalù , a polyptych with a coronation of Mary and some miniatures were made by Guglielmo .



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  1. He died before August 1461, as the inventory of his estate was being drawn up at that time.