Gavril Krastevich

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Gavril Krastevich

Gavriil Baew Krastewitsch also Gavriil Pasha called ( Bulgarian Гаврил Баев Кръстевич * 1817 or 1822 in Kotel ; †  16th November 1898 in Istanbul ) born when Gandju Krastev (bulg Гандю Баев Кръстев.) Was Phanariot , Bulgarian origin, activist of the Bulgarian National Rebirth and after Aleksandar Bogoridi third and last Governor General of the Ottoman province of Eastern Rumelia, created after the Berlin Congress .

Gawril Krastewisch was born in Kotel in 1817 or 1822. As a teenager, Gawril attended the Greek-language school in Kotel, where Sophronius von Wraza and Stefan Bogoridi also learned. Because of his good grades, he received a scholarship from Stefan Bogoridi and completed his school education at the famous Greek Fener College in Istanbul. After graduating from law school in Paris , he worked for Stefan Bogoridi. He quickly became his secretary and from 1846 his deputy as administrator of the island of Samos . From 1850 he took on high positions in the legal authority of the Ottoman Empire . In 1869 Krastewitsch published Bulgarian History after Krastewitsch in Constantinople.

In Istanbul Knjaz Gawril Krastewisch took part in the fight for an independent Bulgarian church . The statutes (Ustaw) of the Bulgarian Exarchate , founded in Istanbul in 1870, were drawn up on his suggestions . He also took part in the further development of the church.

From Istanbul he wrote regularly in several Bulgarian newspapers and magazines, at times he was the editor of the Bulgarian Libraries magazine (bulg. "Български книжници"). In this context he wrote a Bulgarian story (Bulgarian "История българска"). From 1871 he was a member and honorary chairman of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences .

After the establishment of the autonomous province of Eastern Rumelia, he became director of foreign affairs between 1879 and 1884 and, from 1884, governor general of the province. As governor he remained in office until he died on the evening of September 5th . / September 17, 1885 greg. was overthrown by an officer coup. The next day, an interim government under the leadership of Georgi Stranski , which also included other well-known personalities such as Sakari Stojanow , Sawa Mutkurow or Kosta Panica , declared the immediate unification with the Principality of Bulgaria under Prince Alexander von Battenberg .

Krastewisch is also famous for his saying “Boys, I am also a Bulgarian” when he was arrested during the officers' coup.

After unification he went back to Istanbul. He died there on November 16, 1898.


  • Sachari Stojanow : The Subjugation of Gavril Pasha, September 6, 1885 (Bulgarian Заробването на Гаврил паша, 6-ти септември 1885 г )
  • Wolf Oschlies: Krŭstevič, Gavril Baev , in: Biographical Lexicon on the History of Southeast Europe . Vol. 2. Munich 1976, p. 516 f.
  • Petar Angelow: Istorija na Balgarija (from the Bulgarian history of Bulgaria). SOFI-R, Sofija 2003, Volume 1: ISBN 954-638-121-7 , Volume 2: ISBN 954-638-122-5

Individual evidence

  1. Year of birth 1822 according to article Krestovič, Gabriel in: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 5th ed. 1895, Vol. 10, p. 691
  2. Online version of the book at

Web links

  • Biography and extensive information about the life of Gavril Krastewitsch on the website (bulg.)
predecessor Office successor
Aleksandar Bogoridi Governor General of Eastern Rumelia
1884 - September 6, 1885