Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands

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Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
The gay and lesbian kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands
Rainbow flag
Pink angle
flag coat of arms
Official language English and Spanish
Capital Heaven - Cato Island
Form of government Constitutional monarchy
currency Euro
founding June 14, 2004
resolution 17th November 2017
National anthem I Am What I Am

Map of the claimed kingdom

The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands (English Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands ) was from 2004 to 2017, a micro-nation off the coast of the Australian state of Queensland . It arose out of protest against the decision of the Australian Parliament to reject same-sex marriages . The islands of the Coral Sea are now uninhabited again.

The " secession " took place on June 14, 2004. Dale Parker Anderson, was proclaimed Emperor Dale I.

The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom is classified as a manifestation of Queer Nationalism . It is not recognized by any state. The kingdom that made the euro its currency has been issuing postage stamps since January 1, 2006. The song I Am What I Am by Gloria Gaynor was chosen as the national anthem .

Trigger for the foundation

The initiative to found the gay and lesbian kingdom came from Matthew Briggs during the Brisbane Gay and Lesbian Pride Festival 2003. Activists saw their right to equal treatment threatened by the government's plan not to recognize foreign marriages of same-sex couples in Australia.

Based on the enrichment law (“If something is unjustly taken compensation must be made.” - If something is taken illegally, compensation must be paid.) And with reference to international law (“Oppressed people of overseas territories have a right to self government and self determination. ”- Oppressed peoples in overseas territories have the right to self-government and self-determination”) they claimed “territorial compensation” through the establishment of an independent gay and lesbian state, whose territory they chose to be the previously uninhabited Coral Sea islands.

Declaration of Independence

After the activists reached Cato Island on June 14, 2004 with their ship Gayflower (based on Mayflower) and set up the rainbow flag there, they proclaimed their independent gay and lesbian state.

A plaque on the northeastern tip of Cato Island commemorates this historic moment:

"On the 14th day of June 2004, at this highest point in the Coral Sea, Emperor Dale Parker Anderson raised the gay rainbow flag and claimed the islands of the Coral Sea in his name as homeland for the gay and lesbian peoples of the world. God Save our King! "

"On the 14th day of June 2004, at this highest point in the Coral Sea, King Dale Parker Anderson hoisted the rainbow flag and with his name claimed the islands of the Coral Sea as home for all gay and lesbian people in the world. God save our King!"

With the decision to secede from Australia, the founders of the kingdom wrote their declaration of independence:

“Homosexual people have honestly endeavored everywhere to merge ourselves in the social life of surrounding communities and to be treated equally. We are not permitted to do so. In vain we are loyal patriots, our loyalty in some places running to extremes; in vain do we make the same sacrifices of life and property as our fellow citizens; in vain do we strive to increase the fame of our native land in science and art, or her wealth by trade and commerce. In countries where we have lived for centuries, we are still cried down as strangers .... In the world as it is now and for an indefinite period .... I think we shall not be left in peace. ”

“Homosexual people have long strived to fit into the social togetherness of the surrounding society and to be treated equally. That is not possible for us. In vain are we loyal patriots, our loyalty goes to extremes; in vain do we make the same sacrifices for life and property as our fellow citizens; in vain do we strive to increase the fame of our homeland in science and art, wealth and trade. In the countries where we have lived for centuries we are still defamed as foreigners .... In a world as it is now and will remain indefinitely .... I think we will never be left in peace . "

Influenced by the American Declaration of Independence, the Declaration of Independence of the Kingdom begins with the words, “We hold these truths to be established, that all human beings are created equal, that they have been endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, including life, freedom and endeavor for happiness. "(" We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. ")

The activists set up a camp on Cato Island, which they named "Heaven" after the famous nightclub in London, and it was the capital of the kingdom. "I Am What I Am" became the national anthem of the kingdom.

The leader of the protest, Dale Parker Anderson was elected administrator of the area and with the independence of the kingdom declared King Dale R.

Similar to the Israeli Return Act, gays and lesbians automatically have permanent residence rights and are entitled to citizenship of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands.

In July 2006 the kingdom began selling stamps "with the aim of developing a high and distinctive reputation among the stamp-collecting fraternity". The kingdom's website stated that tourism, fishing, and selling stamps are the only economic activities.


At the end of 2016, the UK's website promoted the “Equality Campaign”, which in turn called on Australian citizens to vote “yes” in a postal poll on same-sex marriage in order to induce parliament to rethink this issue. With the legalization of same-sex marriage in Australia, King Matthew Briggs declared the kingdom dissolved on November 17, 2017.


  • "Mini-states Down Under are sure they can secede", by Nick Squires, The Daily Telegraph (UK) , February 24, 2005.
  • "If at first you don't secede ...", by Mark Dapin, The Sydney Morning Herald - Good Weekend , February 12, 2005, pp. 47-50
  • "Micronations," Lonely Planet Publications, 2006. ISBN 1-74104-730-7 , The Gay & Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, pp. 38-41. ( limited preview in Google Book search)
  • "Birth of a Queer Nation", The Pink Paper , London, September 28, 2004, front page and center fold.
  • "Welcome to Heaven, The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands", Horizon Magazine (Barcelona), pp. 38–39, June 2006.
  • "Stamps of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands", Stamp News Australasia, Victoria, Australia, Edition: August 2006, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 34, 41 & 42.
  • "Royal Gay Mail", Philatelic Exporter, The World Stamp Trade Journal, Issue: August 2006, London, p. 21.
  • "Fantasy Island, The Gay Kingdom", Envy Man Magazine, 2006, No. 6, USA.

Web links