Prison opera

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A prison opera (also called prison drama) is an opera that takes place in whole or in part in a prison .

Examples of a prison opera are Fidelio (1805) by Ludwig van Beethoven , From a House of the Dead (1930) by Leoš Janáček and Il prigioniero (1949) by Luigi Dallapiccola .

Individual evidence

  1. Ludwig Stadler: Schmutziges Allerlei - "From a house of the dead" in the State Opera (review). In: Culture in Munich. June 4, 2018, accessed on August 30, 2018 ( Frank Castorf's production of Aus einer Totenhaus ).
  2. Peter Skorepa: Vienna State Opera: Ludwig van Beethoven's "Fidelio". In: Online marker. April 21, 2018, accessed August 30, 2018 .
  3. Ileana Maria Steiger: “Captivity in music theater as an answer to the political upheavals of the 20th century” , thesis Mag. Phil. University of Vienna (2014, PDF, 101 pages)
  4. ^ Edith Werner: South Africa: a country in transition, limited preview in the Google book search
  5. Jiří Place : Leoš Janáček, the late Wild: Love and Life in Operas and Letters , Bärenreiter, 2005, page 9 limited preview in the Google book search
  6. Gerhard Bauer: No pity for the poorest of the poor. In: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger . September 28, 2004, accessed on August 30, 2018 ( Tomaž Pandur's production of From a House of the Dead ).
  7. Josef Oehrlein: Hope is a sweet poison. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . January 18, 2018, accessed August 30, 2018 .