Battle at Kuryłówka

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Battle at Kuryłówka
date May 7, 1945
place Kuryłówka near Leżajsk
output Victory of the Polish underground units
Parties to the conflict

Flag of Poland (1928–1980) .svg NZW

Flag of the Soviet Union.svg NKVD


Major Franciszek Przysiężniak

Troop strength
200 men from the National Military Association 300 men of the NKVD


56–70 dead

The battle near Kuryłówka took place on May 7, 1945 near the village of Kuryłówka in today's Polish Subcarpathian Voivodeship .

In early May, units of the anti-communist National Military Association (NZW) were stationed in the village of Kuryłówka. Units of the Soviet NKVD stationed in the town of Biłgoraj attacked the NZW on May 7th. 56 to 70 NKVD members died in the battle, the losses of the Polish units are unknown. After the battle, the NZW withdrew from the village. The next day, new Soviet units occupied the village, burned it down completely and shot 9 residents. 920 inhabitants of the village were left homeless.
