Ghost time in Little Henlock

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Television broadcast
German title Ghost time in Little Henlock
Original title The Ghost Hunter
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
Year (s) 2000-2002
Zenith North
length 20-25 minutes
Episodes 18 in 3 seasons
genre Fantasy / children's series
Director David Bell
idea Ivan Jones
script Ivan Jones,
Jim Eldridge,
Roy Apps
production David Bell
camera Chris Goodger, Mike Thomson
First broadcast January 4, 2000 (UK) on BBC One
first broadcast
February 18, 2002 on MDR television

Ghost time in Little Henlock (Original title: The Ghost Hunter ) is a British BBC children's series that was produced from 2000 to 2002 and is based on the books of the same name by Ivan Jones .


At the center of the story is the young Roddy Oliver, who one night makes a surprising acquaintance with a ghost: William Povey. The boy who worked as a shoe shine and died many years ago lived on as a ghost from then on. While Roddy and his sister, who also found out about William very quickly, master everyday school life, they also have to uncover the identity of the two ghost hunters who want to see William captured.

main characters

  • Roddy Oliver: The good-looking main character who quickly develops into William's best friend and who has the so-called "second view" as a gift. So it is possible for him as one of the few living people to see a ghost.
  • Tessa Oliver: Roddy's sister also has the gift of Second Sight and soon becomes friends with William. Together with Roddy she has to bail out the young ghost time and again.
  • William Povey: The shoeshine boy who died early continued his life as a ghost. He likes to be around his own kind, but sometimes finds life too boring and therefore likes to spend time in the real world with his two best friends, Roddy and Tessa.
  • Mrs. Croker: Disguised as a waitress in a small goods store, she's obsessively trying to catch and imprison young William.
  • Clarence DeSniff: Acts as an assistant to the ghost hunter Mrs. Croker and secretly wishes to take her place. In the second season he sneaks into Roddy's and Tessa's school as a chemistry teacher in order to get the chemicals there and build a super weapon with which to catch Williams.
  • Mrs. Oliver and Mr. Oliver: The two parents of Roddy and Tessa notice nothing of their young ghost friend who visits their house every day.
  • The caretaker: The eccentric caretaker tries to pester Roddy at every opportunity. His favorite, however, is Wally, who often allies with him against Roddy.
  • Wally: The troubled boy's favorite pastime is beating his classmates, beating Roddy over and over again. He's always trying to go out with Tessa.

Episode list

First season

No. title First broadcast
1 Ghost in the bedroom January 4, 2000
2 Who is the Ghosthunter? January 6, 2000
3 Caught! January 11, 2000
4th The Hunt for Mrs. Crocker January 13, 2000
5 Chillwood Castle January 18, 2000
6th Showdown! January 20, 2000

Second season

No. title First broadcast
1 The Secret of Deadlock Hall January 2, 2001
2 The Ghost in the Machine January 4, 2001
3 A trap is set January 9, 2001
4th Ghost Children January 11, 2001
5 A brush with terror January 16, 2001
6th The final countdown January 18, 2001

Third season

No. title First broadcast
1 Time & Time Again February 2, 2002
2 The Time Travelers February 4, 2002
3 Escape! February 9, 2002
4th A Matter of Life & Death February 11, 2002
5 Hunter at the Door February 16, 2002
6th Trapped in Time February 18, 2002

German premiere

The German first broadcast took place on February 14, 2002 on MDR . Since the second season had already been filmed and available at this point in time, the sequel was broadcast directly after the last episode of the first season and did not wait a year - like the English first broadcast. There are no indications as to whether and when the third season was broadcast in Germany.


Since some important actors dropped out after the second season, it was decided to let the third season play 25 years in the future in order to be able to fill some roles. Roddy's actor Will Theakston , who dropped out after the second season, had a brief guest appearance in the second episode of the third season.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ghostly Time in Little Henlock: Episode Guide., accessed on July 30, 2016 .