Yellow series (fiction)

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The Yellow Series is a series of books by the Das Neue Berlin publishing house that appeared in the GDR from 1955 to 1972. The designation was initially not clearly specified, only the exterior of the volumes has yellow features.

Edition history

The series started in 1955. Mostly novels of the genre adventure , detective and science fiction were published. The authors mostly came from the GDR. In the first 11 years, the books were published as hardcover editions (half-linen with dust jacket) in a uniform format of 13 × 21 cm. On the cover of the book there was a small content-related line drawing, on the spine was the title and author. The colored dust jacket also had an eponymous yellow border at the top and bottom. On the lower one was usually a classification such as adventure novel , science fiction or detective novel , sometimes simply novel . In 1966 the appearance and shape were changed. In addition to the new 12 × 20 cm format, the series has been converted to cellophane paperback. The new exterior is characterized by a head on the cover of a large letter according to the classification of the work by next title and author A benteuer , K rimi or U topia contains. On the cover there is also the eponymous lettering “ Yellow Row” in an oval .


Year / edition title author illustrator Genre (according to cover)
1953 With herbal schnapps and trust in God Wolfgang Schreyer
1956/2. The banknote Wolfgang Schreyer
1955 twilight Käthe Muskewitz , Bruno Stubert novel
1955, 1956/2., 1958/4. 1960/5. The way to nowhere Friedrich Karl Kaul novel
1956/2. A star reveals the perpetrator HL Fahlberg Detective novel
1956/2. The banknote Wolfgang Schreyer
1956, 1957/2., 1958/3. Earth without night HL Fahlberg Karl Heinz Birkner Science fiction
1957, 1958/2., 1959/3. The blue folder Friedrich Karl Kaul novel
1957, 1958/2. Betatom HL Fahlberg Karl Heinz Birkner (dust jacket only) Detective novel
1958 Eldorado Martin Selber Gerhard Goßmann
1958 The premiere is canceled AG Petermann Karl Stratil
1958, 1962/4. The devil's mill in the Orinoco Karl Reiche Detective novel
1958, 1959/2. The invisible Günther Krupkat
1959, 1960/2., 1961/3., 1962/4., 1964/5., 1966/6., 1969/7., 1971/8., 1974/9. Titanus Eberhardt del'Antonio Adelhelm Dietzel Science fiction
1959 Accomplices Bruno Stubert Detective novel
1960/5. And the ice stays silent Martin Selber Karl Stratil Expedition novel
1960 The valley of the seven moons Harry Thürk novel
1960 Confession at midnight Arne Leonhardt Lothar Wulsch novel
1964, 1965/2. Stranded by the sun Epsilon Jirí Brabenec and Zdenek Veselý
1960, 1961/2. The big limit Günther Krupkat Hans Räde

Science fiction

1961, 1966/5. The wind dies before the jungle Harry Thürk novel
1961 Dangerous love Georg Redmann Detective novel
1961/3. The Caribbean fiery furnace Martin Selber
1962 In the shadow of the night Bruno Stubert
1962, 1964/2. One knows more Judah wading Detective novel
1957, 1958/2., 1959/3., 1960/4., 1962/5. Gigantum Eberhardt del'Antonio Adelhelm Dietzel Science fiction
1963, 1964/2. The blue planet Carlos Rasch Fantastic novel
1963, 1964/2. When the gods died Günther Krupkat Utopian novel
1963 The borrowed face Peter Addams Detective novel
1964 At the end of the road Pavel Veshinov Detective novel
1964 The phantom with the mask Fred Unger Detective novel
1964/2. The scarlet domino Fred Unger Detective novel
1964 Where the sand covers the tracks Martin Selber Adventure novel
1964, 1965/3. Boulanka artist pension Fritz Erpenbeck Detective novels
1964 Death pays in ducats Wolfgang hero Detective novel
1965 The dead don't talk Werner Toelcke
1965 In the shadow of the deep sea Carlos Rasch Hans Räde Science fiction
1965 The voice of infinity Hubert Horstmann Science fiction
1966 Shots in the Andes Rudolf White Adventure novel
1966 The commissioner's hat Werner Steinberg without ill. K
1966 Crimes in Rainbow Bay translated
from the Czech by Josef Ulrich
Jirí Brabenec and Zdenek Veselý U
1966/2. Duel with the devil Klaus Beuchler Detective novel
1966, 1966/2., 1968/3., 1969/4., 1971/5. Return of the ancestors Eberhardt del'Antonio Science Fiction - U
1966 The forbidden room Fred Unger
1967 Ambushed Fritz Erpenbeck K
1967 Angels for ten shillings Peter Addams K
1967 Foggy night Heiner Rank Rolf F. Müller (only cover drawing) K
1967 Password Balt-Orient
from the Czech by Erwin Thielmann
IA Jedlicka without ill. K
1967, 1975/2. When the gods died Günther Krupkat U
1967 The ride in the mountains Wolf Dieter Brennecke A.
1967 The light of the black candle Wolfgang hero A.
1967 Souvenir from Artopol Karl-Heinz Weber K
1967 The hobby of Mr. R. Kurt Turk K
1968 He went alone Werner Toelcke K
1968 Trail of the falcon Charles P. Henry A.
1968/2. The case of Erika Groller Karl-Heinz Weber without ill. K
1969 The Fatima case Fritz Erpenbeck K
1969 Fire on the mountains Ernst Keienburg A.
1969 The killer wore sandals Bernd Diksen
( Erich Loest or Werner Dembski )
1969/2. Deadly record Fritz Erpenbeck K
1969/2. Headhunters Alan Winnington Adventure novel - A
1968, 1970/2. Mysterious rays. Utopian novel Alexei Tolstoy U
1970 The jeweler from Kapuzinergasse. Adventure novel Rostyslaw Sambuk Karl Stratil A.
1970 White Wolves Charles P. Henry A.
1971 The forbidden room Fred Unger K
1972 Deadly error Charles P. Henry A.


In 1994, the Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag published the novel “Praktikanten” by Arkadi and Boris Strugazki in the typical layout of the Yellow Series, but in a smaller format and without a series name.

In 1998 a single book was published in the Avalon Edition in a small edition in the typical layout of the Yellow Series, in the same size and with this series name.

Year / edition title author illustrator genre
1998 Peter goes crazy or what if ...? Horst Mueller Annemarie Britz Fantastic novel