Joint company health insurance fund of Wieland-Werke AG

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Wieland BKK
social insurance statutory health insurance
Cash register type Company health insurance fund (company-related)
legal form Public corporation
founding 1834
Jurisdiction Wieland works
Seat Ulm
Board Jürgen Schneider
Supervisory authority Federal Social Security Office
Insured 12,300

The joint company health insurance fund of Wieland-Werke AG , abbreviated as Wieland BKK , is a German company-related company health insurance fund . As the statutory health insurance provider , it is a self-governing body under public law . It has its origins in the Wieland-Werke company .


Today's company health insurance fund was founded in 1834 by the entrepreneur Philipp Jakob Wieland as a factory health insurance fund.

Contribution rates

Since January 1, 2009 the contribution rates have been standardized by the legislator. From January 1, 2015, the BKK will levy an income-related additional contribution of 1.1 percent of the income subject to contributions.

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Wieland BKK . Wieland BKK website, accessed on February 9, 2016.

Coordinates: 48 ° 21 '19.2 "  N , 9 ° 56" 42.7 "  E