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Geminatio (Latin: 'doubling') is a term from rhetoric that denotes the immediate doubling of a word or a group of words. This word figure is usually intended to give emphasis to the speech , as in the example "Never, never will I leave you!"

If words or groups of words are repeated three or more times, one speaks of an epizeuxis .

The Geminatio is classified under the concept of positional figures (more precisely under the word repetitions ). From a grammatical point of view, it is “a primitive formation of the superlative ; it. pian piano ".


There are variants that result from the interposition of non-repeated parts of the sentence, such as:

  • "Die, Lysis, die, much better has died" ( Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau : Poor, what good is your loved one )
  • "Come, soul come, and learn to look further" (Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau: Die Welt )
  • "Swallow, abyss, oh swallow ..." ( Andreas Gryphius : Hell )


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Geminatio in Literaturwissenschaft-online ( Memento from March 19, 2015 in the Internet Archive ).
  2. ^ Till: Geminatio, Col. 700.
  3. ^ Lausberg: Handbook of literary rhetoric, p. 313, § 617.